Wednesday, March 25, 2009

You're Probably Sabotaging Your Goals by Just This One Action

Have you ever had a great plan or a dream that you wanted to accomplish?  Did you share it your friends, family, loved ones?

I'm going to guess that you didn't and instead you kept it to yourself.  You might have told your wife but that's about it.

Why is that?  Have you ever thought "there's this thing I want to do but I don't want to tell anyone in case it doesn't happen".  Sure you have.  Often you don't even tell yourself but keep it recessed in the back of your mind.

I believe we all fear sharing our most wild and exuberant plans because if we don't accomplish them we'll look like fools.  We dread the conversation that starts with "what ever happened to your plans to xxx", or "didn't you say you wanted to become a xxx"?

This innate fear is actually a great tool. It is precisely this fear of failing that can help you succeed.  If you have a goal you want to accomplish then telling as many people as you can commits you to getting results.

For many of us the fact that we told someone that we were going to do x or y, is that last push that helps us get over the obstacle and accomplish our dream.

The next time you have a great plan or a great goal, tell as many people as you can.  If you want to be truly committed make a bet like shaving your head if you don't go through with it.

The key here is that you should not be focused on the outcome but rather on the attempt itself. If you had a goal to make $100,000 in a year but only made it to $95,000 did you really fail?

It's better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit.