Thursday, February 5, 2009

Nothing is Purchased in Isolation

Everything costs more than it seems. Well that’s a general statement but what I mean is that anytime you budget for something you’re going to purchase be assured that it will invariably cost more than that original amount. You see, there is a universal law that says:

“Nothing is purchased in isolation”

Take for instance something as simple as an ipod. Lets say you budget $150 and then you go buy it. Well now that you have an ipod you might be compelled to buy some music to listen. So you say download music for free. Fine, but what about storage. Now with so many songs and video you downloaded you need a new usb drive to store it, or a whole new computer. You’ll at least buy a new skin for it, or a replacement set of earphones.

The point is that your one purchase will most probably beget more purchases. As items get more expensive so do the correlated items that go with it. A car begets gas, oil changes, tires, car washes and air fresheners. A house begets furniture, home improvements, etc.

So my friends, remember that if you’re ready to spend on that new item realistically budget for twice that amount over its useful lifespan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post!